Friday Feeling At Our Smoke and Vape Shop!



It’s hard getting back to normal after the holidays and sometimes even the shortest weeks can seem like the longest. The good news is that it’s Friday and the weather looks to be lovely for January in Kansas City which means it’s the perfect time to stop by Smokers Heaven smoke shop and vape shop at 101st and Wornall Road in South KC.

Smoke Shop and Vape Shop in Kansas City, Waldo and Westport


For years Smokers Heaven smoke shop and vape shop has been Kansas City’s place for all things smoking and vaping at everyday low prices on everything from pipes, hookahs, bongs and smoking accessories to vaporizers, e-cigarettes, vape juice and more and in 2019 we are upping our game. Vaping can be expensive especially when you shop at other Kansas City and Westport vape shops but that’s simply not the case when you go to Smokers Heaven for all of your vaping needs. Whether you are new to vaping or are a vape veteran, Smokers Heaven smoke and vape shop will help you find exactly what you need and save you a ton of money. From picking the right vape mods, dry herb or wax vaporizers, and picking out new vape juice flavors to getting pod vape refills for your JUUL or Phix device, Smokers Heaven has it all in stock 7 days a week and at prices that blow away other vaporizer stores. We stock the top rated vaping devices and vaping supplies from vape legends like Smok, Atmos, iStock, Kangertech, Naked vape juice, Luxe, Space Jam, iJoy, Aster, and many more for all levels of vaping.


For herbal smokers that love nothing more than to puff tough on the weekends, Smokers Heaven smoke shop has all of the right pipes, dab rigs, chillums, spoons, hookahs, bubblers, gravity bongs, gas mask pipes, and even rolling papers and blunt wraps if you like to kick it natural at phenomenal prices that blow other head shops away. We stock the latest heady glass pipes from HB King, Dank Glass, Grav Labs, Clover Glass, Illadelph, Snoop Dogg Pounds and many more in all sizes, colors and style for all types of herbal smoking including dabbing. Our smoke shop also has Kansas City’s largest selection of pipe parts and accessories including pipe screens, dab nails, quartz bangers, and even glass pipe cleaner to keep your heady glass looking and smoking great. It’s going to be a beautiful weekend in Kansas City so get outside and get much needed fresh air and be sure to stop by Smoker Heaven smoke shop and vape shop at 101st and Wornall Road in South KC for all of your smoking and vaping needs! See you soon and have a wonderful weekend!

Click Here For Instant Directions To Our Smoke Shop!


Call Us At (816) 249-2618!

Visit Our Friends At KC Fumes Smoke and Vape Shop IN South KC

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