Happy 4/20 From Smokers Heaven Kansas City!

It’s definitely not the chamber of commerce type day we would like for 4/20 but unlike last year all Smokers Heaven locations in Kansas City are open and having our annual sales to commemorate the official day of the herb! Now open inside Gomers at 99th and Holmes and our original location at 101st Terrace… Continue reading Happy 4/20 From Smokers Heaven Kansas City!

Happy 420 From Smokers Heaven Smoke Shop!

Happy 420, Kansas City! It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day to get outside and celebrate the cannabis culture on the one day of the year when herbal smokers all unite and get super chilled out and since 4/20 falls on a weekend, Smokers Heaven is having a HUGE sale to commemorate… Continue reading Happy 420 From Smokers Heaven Smoke Shop!

420 Sale Starts Now At Our Smoke Shop!

You don’t have to wait until Saturday (4/20) to GET YOUR SMOKE ON in Kansas City because Smokers Heaven smoke shop is kick off the cannabis culture’s favorite holiday today and this year the deals are even sweeter! 420 Smoke Shop in Kansas City, MO Located at 101st and Wornall Road right across the street… Continue reading 420 Sale Starts Now At Our Smoke Shop!