Rainy Days Are OK At Our Smoke Shop!

We know that rainy days can be a real drag and at Smokers Heaven smoke shop and vape shop at 101st and Wornall in Kansas City we do our best to make it just a little better. Our smoke shop opens every morning at 8 am and we stay open late so that smokers and vapers… Continue reading Rainy Days Are OK At Our Smoke Shop!

Our Smoke Shop Is Open All Weekend!

It’s going to be a beautiful Labor Day Weekend and if your idea of kicking back and relaxing in Kansas City is smoking and vaping then Smokers Heaven smoke shop is where it’s at. Located at 101st and Wornall Road just off  of I-435 in South Kansas City, Smokers Heaven smoke shop is where smokers… Continue reading Our Smoke Shop Is Open All Weekend!

We Have All Of The Glass Pipes You’ll Need!

If you love glass pipes and you live in the Kansas City area, you probably already know about Smokers Heaven smoke shop at 101st and Wornall Road. But just in case, we thought we would let you know that our smoke shop has more glass pipes, hookahs, dab rigs, chillums, one hitter and more at… Continue reading We Have All Of The Glass Pipes You’ll Need!