Super Sale For The BIG GAME!

Could you ever imagine that Kansas City would be in the BIG GAME for the second year in a row? Well it’s happening and to celebrate Smokers Heaven smoke and vape shop is throwing another BIG GAME SALE now through SUPER SUNDAY and the deals don’t get any better than this! Open everyday until gameday… Continue reading Super Sale For The BIG GAME!

Stock Up For A HOT Weekend In Kansas City!

Extreme heat and humidity are going to be the norm this weekend in Kansas City so if you’ve got a pool to cool off, your’re lucky because the rest of us will be indoors in the A/C but either way be sure to stop by Smokers Heaven smoke and vape shop and stock up on… Continue reading Stock Up For A HOT Weekend In Kansas City!

5/20 Sale Starts Now!

5/20? Well we weren’t able to be open during the entire month of April and it really sucked on 4/20 because for years Smokers Heaven smoke, vape and tobacco shop has always thrown big sales to celebrate but not this year thanks to the pandemic. So Smokers Heaven smoke and vape shop at 101st and… Continue reading 5/20 Sale Starts Now!

Victory Parade Stock Up Sale!

It really doesn’t get any more fun than this week in Kansas City and if you’re planning on heading downtown tomorrow for the Parade of Champions then be sure to stop by Smokers Heaven smoke, vape and tobacco shop and stock up because it’s going to be a cold and snowy one! Smoke, Vape and… Continue reading Victory Parade Stock Up Sale!

Huge 3 Day Sale At Our Smoke Shop!

It’s getting down to the wire to get your Christmas shopping finished up but have no fear, Smokers Heaven smoke, vape and tobacco shop is going to make even easier with at MASSIVE 3 day seal and extended hours on Monday and Tuesday! Whether you’ve got smokers, vapers or both that you need to pick… Continue reading Huge 3 Day Sale At Our Smoke Shop!