Mods, Pods and Vaping Supplies In Kansas City MO

Most vape shops in Kansas City don’t make any sense. Either they have little to no selection of vaporizers and vaping supplies, they have absurdly high prices, or a sad combination of both. At Smokers Heaven smoke and vape shop at 101st and Wornall Road in South Kansas City, we’ve seen a lot or vape… Continue reading Mods, Pods and Vaping Supplies In Kansas City MO

Don’t Waste Your Money At Other Smoke and Vape Shops

The funny thing about some smoke and vape shops in Kansas City and Westport is they continually try to imitate us at Smokers Heaven but the fact is that they can’t hold a candle to our store. Located for years at 101st and Wornall Road in South Kansas City and just minutes from anywhere in… Continue reading Don’t Waste Your Money At Other Smoke and Vape Shops