Fall is Super Chill At Our Smoke and Vape Shop

When it’s fall and the temperatures get chilly you can bet that it’s super chill at Smokers Heaven smoke shop and vape shop in Kansas City. Cooler air is a welcomed relief from the seemingly endless summer heat and if you’re all about fall smoking and vaping sessions then Smokers Heaven at 101st and Wornall… Continue reading Fall is Super Chill At Our Smoke and Vape Shop

Keep Your Summer Smoking and Vaping Cheap

If your summers in Kansas City are all about smoking or vaping and you want to save some money on everything from pipes and vapes to smoke and vape supplies then Smokers Heaven is where you need to be because we blow other smoke and vape shops selection and prices away, all day, everyday! Open… Continue reading Keep Your Summer Smoking and Vaping Cheap

We Save Smokers and Vapers Money In Kansas City

Everyday at Smokers Heaven smoke shop and vape shop we save Kansas City smokers and vapers money by stocking the highest quality smoking pipes, vapes, tobacco products and smoking accessories at discount prices they can’t find anywhere else in the metro and if you haven’t stopped by our store in a bit, you’re in for… Continue reading We Save Smokers and Vapers Money In Kansas City