What The Heck Is An Ash Catcher?

Smoke Shop and Smoking Supplies In Kansas City

smoke-shop-Kansas-City-pipes-bongs-ash-catchersSmoking devices and the technology that goes with it is constantly changing.  We at Smokers Heaven like to think that we are on top of and stocking the latest trends in smoking devices and smoking technologies.  From the latest in e-cigarettes to herbal smoking devices, our staff can help the novice smoker as well as the seasoned smoker find the right smoking supplies and smoking accessories they want in Kansas City.  Our smoke shop in Kansas City carries everything a smoker would need from traditional (and historic) smoking devices like hookahs to more high tech devices like vaporizers at discount, wholesale pricing.

Ash Catchers For Sale In Kansas City

An Ash catcher is a more modern take on traditional water pipes.  Ash catchers however differ (obviously) in design and overall cleanliness.  With water pipes, eventually the tobacco and herb organic debris will begin to cling heavily to the space just above the water line.  Ash catchers not only utilize water to clean any organic or unwanted debris from being inhaled into the lungs (like an water pipe) but they also provide an additional filter before the smoke reaches the lungs.

For ash catchers, water pipes, glass pipes, vaporizers, e-cigs, incense and more visit Kansas City’s local smoke shop, Smokers Heaven!

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